Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What Oral-b Fluorinse Used For?

OK! Mugello. Information, business, social

OK! Mugello. Information, Business, Social

Link to OK!Mugello. informazione, affari e social

Scarborough, new library. 'I spent almost € 800 thousand and abandoned '

Posted: February 1, 2011 10:12 AM PST

soldi-denaro From the group PDL - Lega Nord Scarperia receive and publish this long statement. About a project before then advocated, it seems, abandoned. Taking account of what has cost so far (although not realized Committee:

The previous city administration of Scarborough, in the last term, has launched a project on building a new library.

The centenary of the birth of Pietro Annigoni

Posted: February 1, 2011 03:32 AM PST

Annigoni in Mugello There were many events, events, ceremonies and everything else in place in Florence Authorities and Institutions for the centenary of the birth of Pietro Annigoni, thanks mainly to the family supported by Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, Florence patron ever in the great culture of the many initiatives enough to remember the great event in the Hall dei Cinquecento in Palazzo Vecchio, when it was officially the Italian Mail stamp issue dedicated the first centenary of the birth, Pietro Annigoni in the series theme "The Italian cultural and artistic heritage."

Rufina, fire at the elementary school. 'No danger'

Posted: February 1, 2011 05:18 AM PST

incendio-rufina A small fire about 11:30 am this morning has affected the elementary school of Giuseppe Mazzini Rufina, the flames have been developed in local next to the canteen building, for reasons yet to be verified, it is believed, however, a small combustion. Just

are warned promptly attended by Fire Brigade and the Police Pontefract and the fire was quelled in a few minutes. There has been no damage to building structures, personnel and activities in which children were at school, rather than the premises of the canteen, on the ground floor have eaten upstairs.

Luco, nine proposals for the former hospital. New Life?

Posted: February 1, 2011 04:00 AM PST

luco-ospedale Finally, a future for the former hospital Luco? A new restoration project after the failure of the hypothesis university? Maybe. The fact is that the Region of Tuscany, nine proposals were submitted with plans for reuse of the property.

Region: one million euro for the bus tires thermal

Posted: Jan 31 2011 10:18 PM PST

AUTOBUSneve Over a million euro to buy tires for the thermal bus. So the Tuscany region equipped to respond to future emergencies snow. Following the events of 17 and 18 December, the junta has in fact decided to intervene Two targeted measures: an extraordinary investment by € 1,250,000 to the public transport companies for the purchase of tire temperature and the guarantee by the Province of the activation of plans regionionali snow on the roads they manage.


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