Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Welcome Speech For Schoolannual Day

OK! Mugello. Information, business, social

OK! Mugello. Information, business, social

Link to OK!Mugello. informazione, affari e social

Marradi. To landscape and wind blade seized. A clarification of the City

Posted: February 8, 2011 10:21 AM PST

comune_marradi From Community Marradi receive and publish this clarification in regard to the seizure of a windmill, of which we reported a few days ago: On the local press

Recently articles have appeared concerning the seizure by the Attorney Florence area housing a wind turbine of its woods, between the towns of Marradi Palazzuolo and the Senio.

High School, enrollment by 12. The statistics on employment Chino Chini

Posted: February 8, 2011 08:00 AM PST

chino-chini Each year, the Institute training "Chino Chini" in Borgo San Lorenzo graduate from dozens of professional technicians. Almost all of the technical industries and electrical technicians, mechanical industries, according to statistics, is used in Mugello, and not just in the area of \u200b\u200binterest within 6 months of graduation. And the request from the companies that specialize in these professional profiles remains high, despite the economic crisis.

Accident on the A1. Paratroopers dies of Thunderbolt, a wounded hospitalized in Borgo

Posted: February 8, 2011 02:03 AM PST

vigili-del-fuoco-in-borgo Fatal accident last night (Monday) the Autostrada del Sole, between Barberino and Roncobilaccio . In the collision between a truck and a van, was killed one paratrooper of the Folgore, Giampiero Christmas.

The man, 31 years (married with a son), was born in Palermo and was stationed in Legnano (Verona). Christmas was driving a special vehicle of the army, was with a buddy and had departed from the base of Livorno Direct Verona. Around 12:30

their buffered medium has a truck in the tunnel Castle, between Barberino and Roncobilaccio. The corporal died in the accident, while the other occupant of the vehicle was injured, and is currently hospitalized in Borgo San Lorenzo.

The traffic police have taken the place of the accident, and 118 firefighters. While traffic remained blocked for over an hour to allow to get relief.

of Fascism past and present. Debate in Borgo

Posted: February 8, 2011 02:30 AM PST

prc_resistenza Saturday, February 12, at 16:30, at the headquarters of the Communist Refoundation of Borgo San Lorenzo, will host a discussion with educational purposes entitled "Analysis of the fascism of yesterday and today."

Two issues will be addressed. First, anti-fascism in historical analysis, that since the birth of the first underground groups, up to the widespread organization of the Resistance. Following this, the proposal will reflect upon fascism, through an analysis of the forms in which it manifests itself in today. The debate will be accompanied by the showing of films and photographs.

School canteens still in the storm. A Barberino change the payment system, and it is controversial

Posted: February 7, 2011 11:24 PM PST

mensa-scuola From Refoundation Communist Barberino receive and publish the text of the Agenda will be discussed in special session on Friday 11 February at 21. Text in which he harshly criticize the new MODL pagamaneto of the school canteen:

Agenda City Council Barberino di Mugello entitled: "Suspension of bad new Payment for the service of school meals "


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