Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bitter Sweet Chocolate Hetalia Doujin

condemn the repression

condemn the repression that the Gaddafi regime has unleashed on the free manifestations of the population of Libya are now thousands are dead, victims of a ferocity that Italy and the European Union must be condemned clearly breaking a ' unacceptable complicity with the Libyan government and its crimes against humanity.

We stand in solidarity with the millions of people in Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, in Bahrain call for democracy, freedom and respect for civil, political and social youth men and women rise up against regimes supported freedom-even to European democracies to oil interests and control of migration obtained with the sacrifice of inviolable rights.

We call on all citizens and foreigners living in Italy to promote all initiatives to foster the development of democracies throughout the Mediterranean in a position to respect the fundamental rights and promote social justice.

The Provincial Coordination
Ecology of Freedom Left

Presidio in support of the Libyan people Thursday, February 24 at 15:00 in front of the prefecture of Florence

clashes between demonstrators and police in LIBYA


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