Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Color Of Lent Candles

OK! Mugello. Information, business, social

OK! Mugello. Information, business, social

Link to OK!Mugello. informazione, affari e social

Firefighters in action in the Village. Via Pananti blocked

Posted: February 2, 2011 09:41 AM PST

vigili_del_fuoco Intervention Fire Department this afternoon in the center of Borgo San Lorenzo, in Pananti. With the traffic police, to enable the action of the firemen, have blocked the road to traffic.

"There was fire - said the commander of the brigade's urban village, Gianni Doni - a chimney in a house in the center. Fortunately, there appears to have been poisoned and the situation is under control."

Hospital Wolisso and beyond. New stage of the journey (by bike) in Etipopia

Posted: February 2, 2011 10:00 AM PST

wolisso The new installment of the travelogue in Ethiopia members of the 'P' Mugello formed by the Pro Loco of Scarborough, from Ciclotour Mugello and many other realities. Who wants to lead sport in Ethiopia and solidarity:

Tuesday January 25

Departing from Addis Ababa towards Sabata, hence started a circuit of about 30 km cycling within Menaghesha park, with a path consists of half as much asphalt and gravel, challenging especially towards the end. This path could bring out the beauty of the place in terms of scenic but at the same time has led us into a situation in Africa where the lack of raw materials such as water, food, shelter, hygiene behavior is the host. We were really impressed by the real poverty of this people that, despite everything, he answers with dignity and hard work.

'Berlusconi resign!' The Pd collects signatures in Borgo

Posted: February 2, 2011 02:00 AM PST

berlusconi From Pd in \u200b\u200bBorgo San Lorenzo receive and publish the following. Meet Saturday, February 5 at Borgo:

"Berlusconi resign! Your signature to change Italy, "this is the initiative launched by the National Democratic Party in squares throughout Italy that since last weekend has seen many local sections organize gazebos and benches for the collection of signatures against the Berlusconi government. Saturday, February 5 from 10 am to 18 Piazza Cavour in the Democratic Party di Borgo San Lorenzo will hold its own gazebo to collect signatures.

'M' stands for quality. Presented at Borgo a new brand of milk Mugello

Posted: February 1, 2011 11:46 PM PST

palloncini "New out in Mugello," reads the advertisement of Mukki. That has renewed the selection of packages Mugello now are white and elegant, and distinguished by a large "M", blue for the whole milk and green for the semi-skimmed.

Mukki Milk "in sign of the Mugello": "In the heart of the Tuscan is a land where the air is clean, green pastures and cows free. It 's the Mugello". So has the Mugello Mukki appeared in advertisements in major newspapers and magazines in the Florentine area, where stands the big "M" with the new packaging of fresh milk High quality "Mukki has selected 27 of the best farms in Mugello: it will collect the milk every day, check it, pasteurize it and packages it, and protect the integrity and freshness. He arrived on our table a fresh milk taste rich and unmistakable. Mukki selection Mugello Mugello because it is good, because it is excellent Mukki.

Football: Fiorentina seeks revival with Genoa

Posted: February 1, 2011 10:00 PM PST

allenatore-viola The Serie A back on the field for a midweek spread over three days.

This is the twenty-third day, which will see the field in Fiorentina on Wednesday (20.45). I will face the purple

Genoa the "Franks" to try to recover after the defeat against Lazio at the Olimpico.


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