Thursday, January 20, 2011

What Does It Mean When You Have A Metallic Taste

OK! Mugello. Information, business, social

OK! Mugello. Information, business, social

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The Mountain Community: warning forecast for snow.

Posted: Jan 20 2011 7:29 AM PST

nevicata-gennaio-2011 Alert forecast for snow in the whole Alto Mugello Mugello. The Tuscany Region has issued a warning forecast valid from 12 today, January 20th until 12th to Saturday, January 22 for the areas of Alto Mugello Mugello and the Sieve Valley Valdarno upper and lower basin-dell'Ombrone Bisenzio. There will be snow up

to abundant on the Adriatic side of the Florentine hills shares initially declined to share the plains. There will also be strong winds from the northeast with gusts of gale.

Borgo. Fines of up to 600 € for those who leave the waste. Checks brigade

Posted: 20 Jan 2011 06:02 AM PST

cassonetto-rifiuti-2011 Fines for heavy scoundrels of the box: 600 €. S'inaspriscono fact administrative penalties for those who leave waste on public land. National legislation on the subject, the text only on the environment, has recently been updated with a substantial increase in the amount of sanctions. In practice

leave the garbage bag out of the box or leave the road is expensive, a penalty, average of 600 €. "In addition to being an act of rudeness, leave or abandon waste, which are bags, paper or other materials on the street, is a phenomenon that harms citizens and the city itself, its decor - highlight the mayor of Borgo San Lorenzo Giovanni Bettarini Councillor for the Environment and the Stephen Squilloni -. The municipal police carries out inspections and fines were imposed. "

Organic? Zero Waste? Vicchio packed fruit in schools. And controversy is

Posted: 19 Jan 2011 10:25 PM PST

frutta-scuole-vicchio fruit to primary school. But do not bite to eat, but packaged in plastic containers in a protected atmosphere. Continue for the year 2011, Vicchio, Fruit in Schools project. And they continue the polemics of some parents, who pointed out that the initiative goes against the Oriet on traceability, short chain, the bioogico and zero waste.

Already last year the initiative had raised the concern of some parents and a request by the group of current council Left Vicchio. A mother also sent a letter on the Committee of Parents. The packaged fruit of some parents raised concerns about the quality.


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