Monday, January 24, 2011

Swollen Tongue, Sore Gums And Throat

OK! Mugello. Information, business, Social

OK! Mugello. Information, business, social

Link to OK!Mugello. informazione, affari e social

wines Dicomano conquer Germany

Posted: Jan 24 2011 24:00 PM PST

frascole Great success for the wines of the companies Dicomano " Frascole "and" The Lake "Gross Umstadt away in the village in the province of Darmstadt (Germany), twinned with the town of Dicomano.

Six wines presented by Enrico Lippi (Frascole) and Philip Spagnoli (Lake) during an evening organized in a popular restaurant in town, dedicated to the promotion of Dicomano wine and other products such as cheese (Forteto) and olive oil.

No to death in the workplace. A petition for Peter Mirabelli. Signature

Posted: Jan 24 2011 9:48 AM PST

mirabelli receive and publish the letter - Petition to the President of the Republic in memory of Peter Mirabelli, a miner died in an accident at work on September 22 while working at the Alp-transit tunnel Gotthard. Miner who has long been in Mugello in the works for the High Speed, who has known and has made himself known. Petition calling for greater safety at work .....

Dear President,
On September 22 he died on the job Peter Mirabelli, a worker, a miner. It 'died after a large stone detached from a height of about 7-8 meters hit the side of the back causing internal bleeding that killed him. This miner was building on behalf of an Italian firm, what will be a world record: the Alp-Transit Gotthard, the longest tunnel in the world.

OK! Mugello in the diary of the expedition Ethiopia. First episode

Posted: 24 Jan 2011 07:00 AM PST

etiopia-bici published below, directly from Ethiopia, the first episode of the diary that are keeping the members of the 'P' formed by the Pro Loco di Mugello Scarborough, from Cilotour Mugello and many other realities. Who wants to bring in Etippia sport and solidarity:

's been three days since the beginning of the adventure, starring citizens of Mugello, school representatives, Sport and Culture. I remember the most important: Sonia Spacchini Councillor for Sports of the Province of Florence, Joseph Modi Department of Sport of the City of Scarborough, Mauro Dughera Uisp President of the Florence and Leonardo Castellani Officer Uisp Mugello. Luca Parrini, President of the Pro-Loco of Scarborough reach the caravan in a few days. The clubs are represented by the Board of the Cycle Tour Mugello.

cuts to the bus. Common to counterattack. The proposed amendments: schedules and routes

Posted: Jan 24 2011 5:07 AM PST

sita2 E 'was delivered to the Province of Florence by the Conference of Mayors of the plan Mugello with the proposed corrective time of local public transport which entered into force on 2 January, with a cut of about 11% at the races.

Proposed changes that require restoration of races, including those between Barberino and the industrial area of \u200b\u200bPrato , with the farthest village of Borgo San Lorenzo Casaglia and review of schedules of services to coincide with Barberry for the trains, between Scarborough and the Firebaugh-Barberino-Monghidoro between Marradi and industrial area of \u200b\u200bFaenza, and the whole area, that of 22 hours Florence-Borgo San Lorenzo , the last race of the day to fit in Mugello.

In motion from Mugello to Germany. The incredible photos of the gathering winter ...

Posted: Jan 23 2011 10:57 PM PST

raduno-piccola Motoclub From The Buzzards Apennines (Scarborough) we get this exciting note, on an incredible winter meeting, held in Germany. It will be attended by some Mugello. Even by OK! Mugello .... good luck

It's cold and for many motorcyclists, the winter is the season of rest, and even on sunny days are few who brave the streets just a sortie in the afternoon.

But not for everyone. Indeed, there are thousands of motorcyclists in Europe that just do not feel like staying at home all winter and come together now for 55 years in an abandoned sand quarry in the Bavarian mountains on the border between Germany and the Czech Republic last weekend of January, to participate in one of the most incredible and tough biker rallies in the world: Elefantentreffen.

And again this year as in previous years, some members of motorcycle clubs "The Buzzards Apennines of Scarborough will join many other Italians and reach despite the cold and snow this remote corner of Europe, and finally 2 -3 nights camped out with tents in the "hole" (as the participants call the pits).

A Chiocci Valentino and John Melani now dell'Elefantentreffen veterans with 8:06 investments, join Alessio Nencioli his second spell on snowy and icy roads in Germany, and Andrea Consolini his first time.

1956 as it was born during a meeting between the owners of "elephant" (the nickname that the military had given to the Zundapp sidecar supplied the German army during World War II) has had over the years, then moved to various locations definitely 26 years ago in a small village of Loh-Solla Thurmansbang and becoming the most great winter motorcycle rally in the world.

The number of participants varies greatly depending on climatic conditions of the moment, from about 900 in 1999 for Italians, where the snow began immediately after Verona, and many have had to give, in the years 6000-7000 where the weather has been kind to the bikers.

adventure for our bikers will begin Wednesday, January 26 with the first step closer to the event and will end Monday, 31 weather permitting.

From Steering motoclub The Buzzards Dell 'Appennino a big good luck to the participants and .... back winners.

For more information Click on the motorcycle rally here

In photos: two images of the 2010



Water drained from the Table serves un'idagine to quantify. "Now we give"

Posted: Jan 24 2011 2:37 AM PST

fiume_copy Below we receive and publish a document of the Communist Refoundation of Scarborough. Destined for the Environment Commission of Scarborough. That raises problems such as quantification and target water drained ...

COMMISSION ENVIRONMENT of January 12, 2011 Water drained from the tunnel


First of all I have to summarize the most significant elements of this story:

a) - The waters drained involving the territory of three municipalities, Firebaugh, Borgo San Lorenzo and Scarborough.


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