Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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OK! Mugello. Information, business, social

OK! Mugello. Information, business, social

Link to OK!Mugello. informazione, affari e social

Vigna Grande! Awarded by the book Cone Sandro Vignini

Posted: 19 Jan 2011 11:00 AM PST

vignini He placed according to the book "Great Vine" the competition run by CONI 'A book for the sport in Florence', which awards the sports books. The book, written by Bruno Confortini, tells the story of the player vicchiese Vignini Sandro, who died in 2005 in a car accident

The exact title is "Great Vine! Story of Sandro Vignini: the boy, the player," was written by vicchiese Bruno Confortini (Edizioni Lucio Pugliese). Vignini And as mentioned, whose history is linked to the Lucchese magical moment in the early nineties, was Vicchio. A career that began by the team of the country (The Village) to get to Spring Viola, at Reggina, Atalanta and Lucchese. With whom he played seven seasons of history, was promoted to Serie B and touched the series A. A journey from past to play football as a coach. Until a car accident has not taken away; in 2005.

The Ciclotour Mugello in Ethiopia. Solidarity Cycling

Posted: Jan 19 2011 8:00 AM PST

etiopia-bici The Ciclotour Mugello for Africa with an initiative that combines sport and solidarity. The sports club will Mugello in fact among the promoters of the expedition from 21 January to 1 February will be in Ethiopia promoting a series of initiatives to strengthen a relationship that should be started several years now with the community of Holet.

The Ethiopian town, situated about 30 km from the capital Addis Ababa, situated on a plateau at 2300 meters, has since 2008 a close relationship with Scarborough and the local Pro Loco was born around the traditional "Flower Festival", which inspired the representatives of an NGO involved in that export to the art form in an area known worldwide for the production of roses and carnations.

Friday and Saturday back to the snow in Mugello. Forecasts

Posted: 19 Jan 2011 03:28 AM PST

neveBSL-2 Back Mugello in the snow? E 'for some time that we hear that on January 20 or thereabouts, the cold will return to Tuscany. And with this, the snow. But is it true?

the weather of the Tuscany Region ( look here ), organized by the Consortium Lamma, seems to confirm these predictions and a sharp drop in temperature.

Valdisieve The wines of the conquest of German restaurants. Thanks to the twinning ....

Posted: 19 Jan 2011 24:16 AM PST

frascole From DICOM Gross Umstadt. A delegation of the City Thursday, January 20 start for the German town twinned with the country Valdisieve.

Isieme responsible alderman, Laura Barlow, Philip Spagnoli (Farm of the lake) and Enrico Lippi (farm Frascole).

Some German restaurants is also thanks to the twinning, have established purchasing contracts for wines from the two companies Mugello.


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