Thursday, January 27, 2011

Swollen Toungue And Sore Gums And Throat

OK! Mugello. Information, business, social

OK! Mugello. Information, business, social

Link to OK!Mugello. informazione, affari e social

Scarborough. Voices from the ghetto. Sounds and pictures for the memory

Posted: 27 Jan 2011 10:20 AM PST

voci-ghetto In Palazzo dei Vicari sounds and pictures to remember. It opens Sunday with a singular opening concert, ending February 26, the exhibition "Voices from the Ghetto" made by the Tuscany Region and Alraune Ensemble, in collaboration with the City of Scarborough and the Pro Loco. The painting project

Michele Riccomini "Voices from the Ghetto" was parallel to the creation of music CDs and music arrangements, produced on the occasion of Holocaust Memorial Day 2011, with the support of Regione Toscana. The music CD is designed by Stefano Landi Andrea Zanobini and music by Jewish composers and not just who suffered Nazi repression.

The paintings are made freely inspired by the poignant poetry found the children of Terezin. Transformed into a citadel ghetto / concentration camp by the ruthless Nazi machine. Even as the notorious concentration camp of children.

15 thousand children were transported here, pulled from their homes and families. Were held before being transported to death camps. Only 100 were saved. Of the 15,000 children have been written 66 poems of their fist on the sly.

Poems that are so heartbreaking voice of the martyrs.
The initiative, which fits in the calendar, a few days before Memorial Day, will be open every day during opening hours of the Palace.
And for the opening, Saturday, January 30 to 16 gig and Stefano Zanobini Andrea Landi, who will play the music banned by the regime.

Faltona composting. Work completed by March 31

Posted: Jan 27 2011 8:00 AM PST

faltona The composting plant to Faltona (just outside Borgo San Lorenzo, along Faentina) must be completed by March 31 next, or risk losing EU funding and regional. This certainly emerged as the Committee in the Tuscany region. On the case told the Regional Minister for the Environment Anna Rita Bramerini, responding to a question Councillor UDC Marco Carrara, which highlights the "serious delays about in an operation" and calling for a certain expectation of assuming office.

Clash PDL / Free Mugello on the water. The response of the civil list

Posted: Jan 27 2011 4:31 AM PST

acqua-27-11 From List Free Civic Mugello receive and publish the following statement. The answer to a note of the PDL (click here to read) accusing the Civic List to be against Publiacqua only words

A frantic and senseless attack in Mugello Available by Party of Liberty Village, which obviously is not taking into account his band council who voted the amendments to the document proposed by Libero Mugello, villages and Rifondazione Comunista.

From the Mugello to defeat smallpox. The story of Angelo Gatti

Posted: Jan 26 2011 11:46 PM PST

angelo-gatti From a history student at the University of Florence, ORIGINATING Ronta, Pier Tommaso Messeri, receive and publish this note on the life of Dr. Angelo Gatti, he rontese. And as he left the village to the 'conquest' of science in Europe: Tuscany

The population was not large only in the artistic, literary, musical and social often forget what was important in the medical field the contribution of doctors and scientists were born and raised in our land.

Among these Dr. Angelo Gatti was born in the Mugello Ronta December 17, 1724 by a wealthy local family. Offering you the birthplace little in terms of future possibilities, as a teenager was put in studying in the Seminary of Florence, where he went to study theological subjects but not persuaded to undertake a career in the church, but rather to join once it leaves the seminary at the University of Pisa as a medical student graduating soon and twenty five years immediately wanted him as a professor in the same medical school.


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