Monday, January 31, 2011

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OK! Mugello. Information, business, social

OK! Mugello. Information, business, social

Link to OK!Mugello. informazione, affari e social

Borgo. Controls trawling for vigilance and local roads

Posted: 31 Jan 2011 09:18 AM PST

etilometro-vigili intense activity in the last weekend for the municipal police of Borgo San Lorenzo involved in road safety services. Fifty-five vehicles stopped in the checks carried out Friday night on the streets of the municipality. 6 penalties were high, including 4-belt violations and a failure to review. The drivers were tested for alcohol, with negative results in all cases.

Want to try the speed? The timing tests at Mugello. With a surprise

Posted: 31 Jan 2011 06:00


ferrari-modena The Autodromo Internazionale del Mugello and Promo Racing car in 2011 opened the season Sunday, February 6. Promo Racing held that day free trials available every 25 minutes, with special promotions for reservations for the whole morning, all afternoon or all day.

The wind turbines abusive 'come' in the Provincial Council

Posted: Jan 31 2011 4:19 AM PST

eolico From Board Provincial Communist Refoundation receive this document; the seizure of a wind turbine under construction occurred between a few weeks ago and Palazzuolo Marradi. The existence of which we have already reported at the time, but now comes in the Provincial Council.

learn that the prosecutors in Florence has ordered the seizure of the housing of a wind turbine that was to rise in a wood between the Senio and Palazzuolo Marradi.

The Coffee Mokarico on TV

Posted: Jan 31 2011 5:09 AM PST

caff The Coffee Mokarico of Borgo San Lorenzo will host the show "Waiting for the Tg" broadcast at 18:30 on Monday, January 31 Italy 7.

The transmission is a "Daily gourmet chef with the best of Tuscany and the most typical recipes and tasty" by Annamaria Tossani and Claudio Sottili.

Dicomano. A story not to forget, to Dino Paoli, deported

Posted: Jan 30 2011 11:15 PM PST

lager2011 There is also a dicomanese between citizens who have received the medal of honor of the President the Republic for the deportees and interned in Nazi concentration camps. Users who were delivered the other day in the Palazzo Vecchio at the Holocaust Memorial Day.

E 'Dino Paul, born in 1922, living in Dicomano, historical and President of the Municipal Section of the Association Veterans and Combatants. The ceremony was attended by the Prefect and Ida Padoin Paolo Ciucci, Mayor of Dicomano where Paul was born, is married and has spent his entire life.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

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OK! Mugello. Information, business, social

OK! Mugello. Information, business, social

Link to OK!Mugello. informazione, affari e social

Families in trouble? A Vicchio is the Microcredit

Posted: Jan 30 2011 5:00 AM PST

microcredito Caritas Vicchio active parish in the municipality since 1993 has promoted an initiative in 2009 include: micro-credit. Under the direct control of private and Don Julian (rector of Vicchio) Caritas opened the loan (without interest of course) small amounts on families or individuals established emergency economic, maybe too salty for a bill or an unexpected expense.

But let 's data taken from the parish magazine on the move. During the year 2009 were provided 4 thousand euro against 13 cases; of this sum will be returned to 3400 (2800 over the same 2009 and another 600 in 2010). Only in one case the loan is not returned, but instead it means less about the 12 cases that have completely returned the money.

The Finocchiona Bivigliano was born in 800. History

Posted: 29 Jan 2011 11:34 PM PST

finocchiona crumbs
finocchiona has the cylindrical shape typical of the sausage, pink and an intense smell and taste of fennel (which, of course, its name). It 'also in the list of Traditional Agri Products in Tuscany.

New book OK! Mugello: 'From the books of Tybalt'. Recipes and history of the Mugello

Posted: Jan 28 2011 10:08 PM PST

cenci Tybalt Lorini, a pen for years that explores aspects of the Mugello through the kitchen and beyond. Born in 1943 in Borgo San Lorenzo is first and foremost a lover of the Mugello and his land, which in recent years has generously recounted in books and publications.

And, thanks to his writings, now comes a new book OK! Mugello: 'From the books of Tybalt. Recipes (and more) from the Mugello '. A book where, in addition to recipes, we will also publish brief introduction and historical environment. To explain the origins of a dish of the past and the Mugello.

And for the first episode we could not choose a cake linked to the carnival, just around the corner. Good Reading and good appetite.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

In The Office Smelly Toilets

OK! Mugello. Information, business, social

OK! Mugello. Information, business, social

Link to OK!Mugello. informazione, affari e social

Football: Fiorentina beat Lazio by

Posted: 29 Jan 2011 11:13 AM PST

tifo-fiorentina The Fiorentina is beaten by 2-0 by Lazio Olimpico.

Vicchio fresco destroyed during the work

Posted: 29 Jan 2011 09:33 AM PST

vicchio E 'Association by the Terre di Giotto and Angelico to inform that, Vicchio (during renovations ) Friday, January 28 has been forever destroyed a fresco work of Padua Tobia Rava.

The painting was placed to adorn a building in the village in Piazza della Vittoria, and was titled "the perfectibility of the gate." This work, which was also included in the itinerary of the Sense of Art (organized by the association in collaboration with the Municipality), has been completely scraped from the wall to allow work of painting the facade of the building. Operation to which they were unaware of the Councillor for Culture (Nicola Cipriani) and Mayor (Robert Izzo).

New book OK! Mugello: 'From the books of Tybalt'. Recipes and history of the Mugello

Posted: Jan 28 2011 10:08 PM PST

cenci Tybalt Lorini, a pen for years that explores aspects of the Mugello through the kitchen and beyond. Born in 1943 in Borgo San Lorenzo is first and foremost a lover of the Mugello and his land, which in recent years has generously recounted in books and publications.

And, thanks to his writings, now comes a new book OK! Mugello: 'From the books of Tybalt. Recipes (and more) from the Mugello '. A book where, in addition to recipes, we will also publish brief introduction and historical environment. To explain the origins of a dish of the past and the Mugello.

And for the first episode we could not choose a cake linked to the carnival, just around the corner. Good Reading and good appetite.


The name comes from 'carnem upbeat', because when that happens, said Lent, meat was removed from the daily meals. But, since the majority of the population finite stocks accumulated during the previous summer, was passed by the abstinence and fasting, not by faith but by force. For the long Lenten carnival that followed him was also an opportunity to give back of the pantry, or for those who could afford to do bellyfuls memorable.

The fourteenth-century poet Antonio Pucci sings

"For carnasciale capons and chickens
departed from life among the clods
They come to get closer to citizens"

Recipe: The Cenci or talk or Frappe

And 'one of the oldest traditional Italian pastries, it was already done by Saturnalia the Romans during their holidays.


500 gr.
flour 40 gr. lard or butter 2 eggs

anise liqueur

salt powdered sugar


Mix flour with eggs, lard or butter and flavor with a little 'liquor aniseed. When the dough is worked well, pulling a rolling pin with a thin layer. Cut the wheel of the strips or lozenges, fry in deep hot lard or oil, just drain and dry gold with paper towels and sprinkle with powdered sugar.


Tybalt Lorini, 'The Cook and hunger'

Palazzuolo. 27 year old gives birth in car. All right

Posted: Jan 28 2011 10:53 PM PST

partoinauto She gave birth in the car a beautiful little girl, Luana, 2 pounds. It 'happened last night to a young mother Palazzuolo sul Senio.

The woman, Francesca Piromallo (27 years) was now at the fortieth week of pregnancy. She woke up in the middle of the night with the first signs of childbirth and, with her husband, it was started quickly drive to the hospital in Faenza.

Avis gives ... not just blood. This year for the elderly

Posted: Jan 29 2011 9:22 AM PST

anziani2011 Also in 2011 blood donors' s AVIS di Borgo San Lorenzo have doubled the act of donation in favor of association that works in our area. A good habit that Avis has kept since birth in 2006 the contribution of members Avis has been donated to The Delphino of Scarborough, in 2007 Unit palliative care Ospedale di Borgo San Lorenzo, in 2008 the association of the Planet Elisa, in 2009 the primary school in Borgo San Lorenzo. It is no doubt recalled the project "five x one thousand smiles of children ..." with which the five per thousand for Avis Borgo San Lorenzo in the declarations will be made available to the pediatric ward of Borgo San Lorenzo.

Mensa. At Borgo postponed to the February 28 deadline for the ISEE

Posted: 29 Jan 2011 05:00 AM PST

mensa-scuola E ' been postponed to February 28 the deadline to submit proof of income Isee (indicator of the economic equivalent) required for the payment of school meals service with the introduction of the new tariff system that is modulated in 4 different rates, associated with bands of Isee income, a decrease for low-income families.

the ISEE, which is not just income tax, certify the economic situation of the whole family, in this case consists of father, mother, child or children. The calculation takes account of household composition and related data, the latest tax income for income tax and the details of the moveable and immoveable assets of each component.

methane within the year and Mulinaccio Montesenario. And discusses the extension of the network ends

Posted: 28 Jan 2011 24:00 PM PST

metano Mulinaccio and Montesenario (fractions of Money) later this year will be connected to the network of natural gas. Great news for families living in two locations: the City Council met last Tuesday has approved the final design of the extension of the gas network also in this area of \u200b\u200bthe municipality. The project approval allow Tuscany Energy to start work and deliver the new network, most likely by the end of 2011.

Football: Fiorentina anticipate with Lazio

Posted: Jan 28 2011 10:00 PM PST

tifo-fiorentina The Fiorentina open the twenty-second day of the Serie A championship down the field in the Stadio Olimpico in Rome against Lazio Saturday, January 29 at 18.