protest against Berlusconi's government: the restored 5x1000 5 PER MILLE: JOINT PRESS FORUM THIRD SECTOR VIEW OF VOLUNTEERS, CSVnet is convoluted
the eve of December 5, 2010, International Volunteer Day and the 2011 European Year of Volunteers, CSVnet, the National Coordination Centres for Voluntary Service, the Third Sector Forum, the National Conference of Volunteering and convoluted, the Standing Conference of Presidents of National Federations and Associations Volunteers, would like to recall with gratitude the words almost a year ago by President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano in the world of healthy volunteers at the Quirinale: "The Volunteering produces, of course, tangible help and support to discomfort, illness, disability, addiction. But, just for the ability to overcome the boundaries of a spontaneous solidarity, family and friends, it also produces intangibles, virtuous behavior, examples and models worthy of imitation. [...] The ordinary law, then, promotes fiscally and financially by voluntary organizations or through favorable tax [...], or the operation of the 5 per thousand of which today the Minister Sacconi has guaranteed the effectiveness not only in 'but also in immediate prospect, and he did so with words of motivation and commitment which I very much appreciated. "
The House of Representatives is voting the budget law for 2011, where the maxi-amendment of the Government, was put back on 5 per thousand, but reduced to one quarter, that is, with a ceiling of 100 million instead of 400 as in ; above.
In this way nearly fifteen million tax-paying citizens who have chosen to support the voluntary and third sector with a 5 per thousand, are betrayed in their free choice. E 'grave that volunteering is affected by this cut so drastically, but in a move strongly marked by the economic crisis.
In a country where more citizens in need, the commitment of the Voluntary and Third Sector is always more essential to overcome the social emergency and to reinforce social cohesion.
This occurs in an already burdened by budget cuts of social policy: from 1.472 billion euro in 2010 to 349.4 in 2011, amounting to -76% are funds for social services of municipalities, often made volunteering and the non-profit, funds for the family, for the non-self-sufficiency for children, adolescents and young people, moderation by the hiring for the civil service.
This CSVnet, Third Sector Forum, the Consultation of the Volunteer is convoluted decided to promote a worldwide appeal of the Voluntary and non-profit institutions to send in asking you to replenish the resources for social services and 5 per thousand.
" We call on the Government and Parliament - as stated in the appeal - to honor their commitments, to listen to the non-profit and not to hit social services, not to remove those resources under principle of subsidiarity citizens to volunteer and give to the Third Sector. "
The 5 per thousand becomes the first, 25 per thousand, mainly affects small businesses, so in the territories, and so essential today in the midst of the crisis .
" We ask the Parliament to perform any act of great responsibility, restoring the 5 per thousand and the funds for social services. "