Friday, December 31, 2010

Bitter Sweet Chocolate Doujin

Greetings Greetings Greetings

So the sky Novoli welcomes 2010 with this incredible natural palette that I could grasp from the terrace of the house.

With best wishes for an equally colorful 2011 for all of us!

George Primiceri

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Why Does My Knee Itch After Acl Surgery

Fiat Mirafiori: a side

one on the Fiat Mirafiori is an ugly and indefensible agreement. For the first time you clear the fact that there the national contract and undermine workers' rights, preventing an organization, among other things, the most representative of the fund and not only of the Fiat (the FIOM), to have men and agencies. Not only that, unions have bound the signatories to the return of their approval of other trade unions representing and, more importantly, they will not allow the election of delegates, but will make a distribution of appointments. Unfortunately, they are reminded of the different organizational forms of authoritarian regimes where trade unions rather than workers' representatives in the factories the trade union was present with its "fiduciary".
Such a solution is a thrust against democracy of our country seen that further restricts the representation of employees at the union level, after having upset the political as a result of an electoral law that is considered by all a mess. You should also add that the corollary that workers who strike against the agreement will be made redundant, is clearly unconstitutional, as our Constitution provides that the right to strike even if the individual is to address collectively.
But what is particularly striking is the actual deterioration of working conditions (rates, shifts, meals, overtime, fewer sick days paid ...). The workers will have many difficulties to govern their own time of life and relationships. It is known that the "loss of ability to govern the lifetime, even in part, by a person is at the root of many psychosocial disorders of this age. So much for the "prevention" (sounds almost mocking, in front of these heavy acts, the entry into force from next year, the obligation on the part of firms, the evaluation of the "risk of stress").
The factory operated by the rules of the barracks of this agreement will be the place of production of new social resentment, frustration pockets of threatening social cohesion. In the current global economic crisis, the Italian industry of the whole needs except grow old production decisions and embark on the total uncertainty of labor relations. The proposal for the forthcoming referendum in Mirafiori blackmail and also adds insult to injury.
What Pomigliano was no exception, as claimed the deluded. Americanization of the company, which until now had focused on dismantling the welfare state here what he has in mind Marchionne, with the ministers of this government to act as a pathetic coryphaei.

It 's really a historic turning point, but be warned: not only for the factory, but for all the Italian company and also for medium and small business, so prevalent in our region. Marchionne wants to burn
the national contract, this is clear. Large companies - few now, in Italy - may also feel that the principle "to each company its contract" is tailored to their needs. But small and medium? We realize that if "the example Fiat" is taken there is a risk of transforming the world of manufacturing into a jungle? Where it is easy to know who is the weakest.

What do you think the institutions and political and social forces of our region?

Document drafted by the club Empoli SEL

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Why I Keep Getting Whiteheads On My Nose?

Nuclear astern hundred thousand signatures to the law on energy efficiency and renewable

These days, the Chamber of Deputies, were filed more than one hundred thousand signatures , of \u200b\u200bwhich more than eighty thousand authenticated and certified, collected in a few months among citizens who care about the ' energy efficiency, the f Onti renewability ie the s alvaguardia climate and biodiversity.
hundred thousand signatures expressing a sentiment shared by millions of voters and electric, that even with this initiative want to scream loud and clear their No to nuclear power. It 's Egge gave rise to a popular initiative that Parliament will have to put on the agenda of its work.

This is the first result of an extraordinary campaign promoted by national environmental groups as Legambiente, WWF, Greenpeace, Environmental Forum and others, along with many local committees. Initiative have contributed significantly CGIL, the FIOM, FP-CGIL, the SPI-CGIL, ARCI , along with an important period of political forces, Ecology Freedom Left, the Greens, the Federation of Left, Italy of Values, Youth of the PD and others.
The next step will be a National Assembly, convened by Organizing Committee for January 22 next year, which will be attended by representatives of all those who helped gather signatures. Objective: to press with a wide range of initiatives for the proposal to be brought up for examination parliamentary , listening the request of the citizens ..
The forces that have contributed to this initiative and between Left Ecology Freedom will fight for our country to equip itself urgently a national energy plan. should invest in energy saving and in 'use of renewable . Nuclear power is not needed, it is more expensive, it is dangerous to health and the environment, endanger the future, prevent the takeoff of a commitment to the industrial and energy efficiency.
The business area of \u200b\u200bthe nuclear lobby wants to put the country faced with a fait accompli, while hanging the use of referendum Law 99/2009, which seeks to impose the location of possible future nuclear power plants, but Calabria, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Lazio, Liguria, Marche, Piemonte, Puglia, Tuscany, Umbria and Basilicata have resorted to the Court constitutional. It is clear that nuclear power is a wall as it passes by the claims to the territory.
This requires the government to suspend any action on the nuclear issue pending the vote of Italians.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Boat Registrationontario

thinking about the unit Fabio Mussi

I am pleased that the Democratic Party after thinking for a Constituent Assembly with Berlusconi, now I rediscover the danger 'to propose a new Cln. But the leaders of the Democratic Party that we were taught that you do not win with the demonization, I say that not just be against.
So begins 'interview the president of the National Directorate of Left Ecology Liberta' , Fabio Mussi, which appears today in the newspaper L'Unità .
should be ready for elections, and serves a proposal for reform - continues Mussi -. Now admitted that Fini and Casini accept an invitation to the Democratic Party, which reform program you can 'build with them? In the Third Pole
there are fans Gelmini, Marchionne, clericalism . And Fini is a man of the right-
the only chance to reopen the game and 'the center. Not the dissolution of the center. Al Pd
say - insists the exponent of Sel - you can not turn to Fini and Casini and then say that Vendola divides the center. The idea that the left can 'govern only dresses up and' wrong. Vendola has a vocabulary able to recover the votes of so many abstentions, and even fish nell'elettorato's center. Finally
- concludes Mussi - the primaries do not come on to some self-command of a prince. The Democratic Party has 24% of us are small Sel. What do they fear? Maybe they little confidence in their strength ....
And if you think they choose, at any cost and despite all, casino ... then you crown the Christmas night, as did Charlemagne. And if so 'think they win, congratulations!

was announced by the office of the national press Sel

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Phlegm On New Born Baby Chest

BEST WISHES TO ALL OUR READERS! An alternative for the country

Friday, December 24, 2010

Letter To The Priest Sample

WISHES MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL !!!!!!!!! This picture

is a lot that we do not write because personal commitments cmq managers of the blog and the company Lokomotiv Santorso their best wishes to all the fans, players and loyal to the Lokomotiv Merry Christmas

Thursday, December 23, 2010

How To Open Number Lock Vip Suitcase

Christmas play 2010 - 2B

Here all the pictures:

The most cordial Merry Christmas to you all!

George Primiceri
Representative c / o the Council of the Institute

Friday, December 17, 2010

Buy Angled Curtain Rods Online

John Lennon-Merry Christmas War Is Over

How To Make A Wall From Railway Sleepers

Wishes Happy Holidays

Vegeta And Bulma Fanfiction Lemon

On 14 December it was revealed the final separation between politics and morality, the public market of parliamentary votes . He lost Fini, who has missed the mistrust lost Berlusconi, who has the numbers to impose its last and unconditional will. Mr Berlusconi is not won, but the crisis that has opened is irreversible. The year 2011 is likely to be the year in which the majority of citizens can be thrown off welfare.
Also on 14 December in Rome showed many social actors, but mainly students, young and very young. For Sel, as it is written in its founding manifesto, nonviolence is one of the cardinal points . But woe to not see that we are faced with anger and rebellion of the generation which was canceled and the future that moves an application for a policy so far remained unanswered.
Today we build the alternative . Now the country needs a democratic change entitled to vote. The "primary" may be the re-establishment of the center , with one candidate able to increase the size of the coalition in the name of innovation. The date of the next general election is not known, but a minimum of wisdom and "concrete analysis of concrete situation" suggests to be ready as soon as possible.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Where Do I Register A Boat In Ontario

New railway timetable in Montelupo Fiorentino

The mayor of San Casciano, Massimiliano Pescini, talks about the decision of the State: "It 's a choice that will penalize our territory, will be hundreds of commuters Chianti forced to return to cars. "
The group left the club and council SinistraperSanCasciano Ecology of Freedom San Casciano share the position taken by the Mayor
Twelve stops in less , suppressed in favor of the expansion of high speed. Twelve trains will not allow more commuters, students and employees of the Val d'Elsa and the Chianti, to reach Florence and Pisa railway station Montelupo Fiorentino. The decision of the Region Tuscany and the State Railways to replace some of the races that stop in Montelupo Fiorentino in the direction of the major centers of Tuscany with six-speed trains in the Florence-Pisa do not like the mayor Massimiliano Pescini, as the Mayor of Monterlupo. "It 's a choice that will impact negatively on our area - says the mayor San Casciano - San Casciano depart daily from hundreds of commuters to travel to jobs and universities, make use of rail transport and thus the nearest station in San Casciano, that of Montelupo Fiorentino, I have learned with real regret and grave concern the weakening of this area, it is a choice in perspective penalize citizens Chianti which, having no better options, you will be forced to resort to the car with negative consequences for both economic and environmental. I fully agree with my colleague Ross Mori: This is a decision that is likely to aggravate the problems already present in our territory. "
Moving from Chianti to the city or major urban centers has never been easy. That the limited availability of public transportation in the territory is a critical sensitivity for our citizens and the municipalities. A problem that also affected the cuts the government and the mayor Pescini Massimiliano, together with colleagues of the Chianti region, is working to try to minimize the reduction of resources and make proposals that do not penalize the citizens. "San Casciano - continues Pescini mayor - has a special feature: the northern area is very close to that of Montelupo, most of the citizens who live in that area are addressed in the future and could also use these services in the municipality Valdelsa. In light of this we requested activating a link to the station at Montelupo, in addition to the direct line of connection to the Tramway Scandicci. Unfortunately, our requests are rejected because of cuts by the central government. And so it is important to weigh carefully the Region the usefulness of the train station at Montelupo, an area to serve the entire region. "
"The abolition of the stops in Montelupo - said the mayor - is to lose weight and especially to my stress considerably reduces the number of alternative opportunities to travel in a car, already rather low in the Chianti region, aimed at workers and students. What will be the result of this choice? Discomfort in the round: increase the critical issues related to access to the city, with journey times unacceptable especially at peak times, it will raise costs for our citizens and will always be more negative the environmental effects. "
Source: San Casciano Val di Pesa - Press Office

Monday, December 13, 2010

Cobra 148gtl Tuneup Locations

Blowin 'In The Wind - Joan Baez

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bloating And Hypertension

Scriabin Etude Op.42 No.5 (Horowitz)

Wearing Tight Underware

Rachmaninoff Prelude Op.32 No.12 (Horowitz)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Pokemon Database Timber


"Italy is now perceived as a corrupt country and this reduces the interest and convenience for foreigners to invest in our country, "it said in no uncertain terms the former prosecutor in the pool of Clean Hands, Pier Camillo Davigo in the message of adherence to free association and petition of the Public Notice.
There is sure to surprise: our country, according to the latest report by Transparency International, has fallen to 67emo place for transparency in public decision-marking the worst since 1995. The words of Davigo have the merit to sketch the outlines of a punctual unresolved wounds of our country, a wound that never healed always crosses the length and breadth of our communities, polluting and undermining democratic institutions, from the ground, in an almost irreversible credibility before the eyes of citizens. It is a further example of what is happening in L'Aquila after the earthquake as illustrated by the Freedom of Association in a dossier presented a few days ago in which he denounced all the inconsistencies of a reconstruction never really match.
This problem is then added to old ones such as negligence that led to the collapse of Student house all aspects which represent only the latest resurgence of a macroscopic ground much deeper that is gradually eroding the civic sense of the nation. Every year in our country, just to mention some data of the Court of Auditors, corruption costs the public between 50 and 60 billion euro. It 's a hidden tax which falls on the shoulders of law-abiding citizens, making public resources, more often than not ill-used in illegal profits. Each of us is as if he were forced to pay € 1000 annually in the safes of the mafia. Very little is needed to understand how many cuts, such as those that are wiped out some of the key sectors of our economy such as culture and knowledge, could be avoided or at least scaled using just those wastes.
season moralizing of "Clean Hands" seems a distant memory now, unfortunately, just think that in those years in the District Court of Appeal of Milan, there were about 2,000 complaints of corruption and bribery, while 2008-2009 are in the judiciary were just 120, only 6%. It 's time that the policy responds, returning to itself a burst of dignity. The legal references would also be there, but they are not criminally charged. Just think of what is envisaged in the Strasbourg Convention of 1999 which provides for the introduction of the Criminal Code of major crimes, including bribery of private and auto recycling, but also the introduction of a new case of crime: the illicit traffic of influences, which is a broader definition of the idea of \u200b\u200bcorruption, no longer restricted to the monetary field, but also other channels including "innovative "corruption, such as gifts, to offer various favors for sex. It would be desirable, according to some sources, the introduction of the figure of the collaborator of justice for the crimes of corruption, as is already the case for those of the Mafia. Just as important would be to attack the assets accumulated illegally by corrupt, confiscate property and giving effect to the provisions already approved in the Budget 2007 which provide for the use for social purposes.
Italy can no longer evade their responsibilities, declassified the evil of corruption to an atavistic habit. Can not do it trivially, being part of the European Single Market is subject to the Community principle of free and fair competition and we must adopt a National Plan against Corruption, to be submitted to the Council of Europe by January 31, 2011.
E 'in the name of all that Free Public Notice and decided to launch a major awareness campaign, similar to what happened in 1996 with the collection of one million signatures to improve the law and ask Rognoni-La Torre use social goods confiscated.
From Wednesday 8th to Sunday, December 12 and you can sign the petition to be sent to President Napolitano to urge the Parliament and the Government to ratify international agreements, just those. The stalls will be set up Freedom in 300 Italian squares and then again for a month in 400 shops and Altromercato World Shops. After December 12 we will also continue to sign on the websites of associations, newspapers and political parties participating, among them that can not be there at Left Ecology Freedom. Mattia

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Fashion Tv Midnight Time

Thursday, December 9 (tomorrow) - Nichi Vendola in Florence at the club Andreoni (18.30)

ANDREONI TO TALK TO THE CIRCLE OF SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY 'And, of course, the impending crisis of government.
SEL - left box for SanCascinao

Monday, December 6, 2010

Désert Eagle Gold Airsoft


A year has passed since the UN Climate Summit in Copenhagen, when they consumed a tear so far only partly been possible to mend. Were complicit in this then the duplicity of the Danish Government, prone to the interests of the United States, the decisions of a Barack Obama still ahead in popularity polls, the low profile of the EU, and adopting a non-binding agreement pursued in a manner very inclusive and transparent.
Since then, the hardening of positions of the United States and China has in fact put up every possible step forward. The international media for weeks result we predict a low profile, mostly centered on concrete measures to the countries most vulnerable to climate change, putting all expectations for an agreement placed on emission reductions and the stabilization of global temperature to 2011 when governments will gather in Durban, South Africa.
And so the last preparatory meeting held in Tianjin in early October continued confrontation between the U.S. and China. China demands - also on behalf of the G77 - money and a clear commitment to respect the constraints Kyoto countries that have ratified that agreement, extending the scheme also binding to the USA.
Washington - even more so after the electoral drubbing suffered by Obama's mid-term elections - will present a package of proposals slight, those already launched in Copenhagen for a 17% reduction in emissions from 2005 levels 2020, (in a voluntary model that Kyoto would notice) to request a G77 and China by agreeing to reduce emissions controls on the use of funds for the climate. Today
of $ 30 billion announced in Copenhagen during the period 2010-2012 only 3 are actually been allocated to adjustment programs, and about 5 for the protection of forests. To get an idea of \u200b\u200bproportion, it is estimated that by 2012 are needed for the meno100 billion dollars a year. Figures in the face of global military spending seem negligible: only in Italy for the purchase of a hundred fighter F35 is burn of € 29 billion while global military spending and go traveling around a trillion dollars.
The file "forest" may be the only possible step forward in Cancun. In truth about this almost everyone agrees that REDD (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation) might be the solution ideal for spending a few commitments to support mechanisms of absorption of greenhouse gases, without necessarily reducing them in rich countries, and in exchange for money to pay tropical countries for revenue which should move to protect their forests.
REDD is likely to be, however, the mice born from the mountain, waiting for better times to the forthcoming summit in Durban. What is certain is that without a recognition of the importance of protecting biodiversity is likely to support the replacement of forests to plantations, perhaps biofuel, without a constraint on human rights and indigenous peoples, it risks triggering a gold rush Green and the indigenous lands by governments and businesses. While
due to emission permits generated from REDD industrialized countries and companies can continue to pollute. REDD could also fall into the trap of vetoes. Until a few weeks ago we speculated that Cancun could produce a series of decisions to concrete actions, including those on forests, climate fund structure, technology transfer, adaptation and mitigation monitoring program.
Now is a trend towards a single balanced document, as requested by the United States. All or nothing that's at stake in Cancun. All this may be insufficient, nothing a blow to the seal of the United Nations and multilateralism have severely strained a year ago in the cold Danish capital.
Francesco Martone

Friday, December 3, 2010

Plueprints Of Old Wooden Bridge


On 23 October 2010 the parliament basket compactly IDV to clear the proposal immediately annuities for members of parliament (the "pensions "bestowed from about 2500 to about € 10,000 € per month for life - to the lucky winners of the 2007 windfall amounted to 2200).

Here are the details:
PDL : 191 out of 192 voters opposed - 1 abstention
Northern League: 52 out of 52 voters opposed
FLI : 25 out of 25 voters opposed
UDC: 33 out of 33 voters opposed
PD: 179 out of 180 voters opposed - 1 abstention
IdV : 22 out of 22 voting in favor
Mixed Group (MPA , right, etc ...): 18 out of 21 voters opposed - 3 abstentions

Sources: Openpolis, the fact, today, Blitz


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nice Message To Write On A Baby Shower Cake


Friday, November 26, 2010

What Mucus Is Expected Before Period


"Outside we are beating, because according to them these rights would be, close the mouth of those who may, and thank God, thinks otherwise -are the words of Daniel Santanché in a classroom of the Pole of the social sciences, where program was a panel discussion on immigration - We are and we do not stop we made on what is happening outside, we will not stop and no one will move back, I am speaking as the Italian government. "
But students were not beating (among them as it seems) to plug the mouth of others, but to protest against this government and especially against the Gelmini decree law that destroys university.
At least six students were injured by the fighting against the police, as we all saw the pictures was in keeping antisomossa. Genoa had already taught us that to draw a red line not needed, prohibit students from entering state was as yet another provocation.
We are in solidarity with students from the center of Novoli, who had only the words as a weapon, so no one can justify the violence of the police.
Once again the elegant jeweled Santanché have shown the finger to the students?


Thursday, November 25, 2010

What Happens If Your Bearded Dragon Has Paralysis

Money, power, women ... all adds up the third sector

Today carried an article by Marisa Nicchi and Gloria Buffo (SEL)

However you see and think of the freedom of women has its accounts to everyone, even to "him", the 'man who has wealth, power, information, charisma, seduction, proposing that challenges even the time of eternal youth. The character, which is prey to an obsession to women, as pursued today with only the powerful tools that have been: money and power. In private, of course, because in public his party is just like the familiar paternalism of the Catholic Church hierarchy.
The accounts show that the women are very bad. Unlike the political maneuvers that are won and lost and then move on, unlike the judicial misadventures while hovering and then something will be done, its staff with the women's game to leave an indelible mark on me: now is visible to all its intended to be a pathetic man obsessively play the same movie, centered on a 'proprietary idea of \u200b\u200bwomen is no longer standing. And it is plain for all the exchange mechanism between the confirmation message from this old man and the shining of direct self-interest involved.
First, the accounts presented it Veronica Lario, who has publicly admitted to not longer be able to "prevent his making ridiculous before the world." Then she had to "explain" the attendance of the large book of young people equipped with the most varied human qualities: naughty, instrumental, inexperienced, opportunist. Today, all 'agenda is the policy of insubordination "his" ministers, figures that would tame the eternal seducer of rapid change in careers.
But what about the irresistible desire to have the women squeezed beyond the eye to the many men who imagine themselves still in the dream man?

We talk about the agonizing difficulty take, for all ages, from the awareness of its fragility, its limit, the 'opportunity to invent a new way of life and a true well-being. A difficult challenge to win for all, especially for people accustomed to forcing all boundaries, constitutional powers, the market rules, a man who is assumed to have the female body that thinks that only compliant and flattering but then notice of its opposite.
And it is precisely this illusion today that Berlusconi paid the highest price. The ridicule which he wanted to protect his wife has always march, most of the political opposition and the judiciary. And 'his Hottest defeat.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

License Plate Mount For Civic Front

protest against Berlusconi's government: the restored 5x1000


the eve of December 5, 2010, International Volunteer Day and the 2011 European Year of Volunteers, CSVnet, the National Coordination Centres for Voluntary Service, the Third Sector Forum, the National Conference of Volunteering and convoluted, the Standing Conference of Presidents of National Federations and Associations Volunteers, would like to recall with gratitude the words almost a year ago by President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano in the world of healthy volunteers at the Quirinale: "The Volunteering produces, of course, tangible help and support to discomfort, illness, disability, addiction. But, just for the ability to overcome the boundaries of a spontaneous solidarity, family and friends, it also produces intangibles, virtuous behavior, examples and models worthy of imitation. [...] The ordinary law, then, promotes fiscally and financially by voluntary organizations or through favorable tax [...], or the operation of the 5 per thousand of which today the Minister Sacconi has guaranteed the effectiveness not only in 'but also in immediate prospect, and he did so with words of motivation and commitment which I very much appreciated. "
The House of Representatives is voting the budget law for 2011, where the maxi-amendment of the Government, was put back on 5 per thousand, but reduced to one quarter, that is, with a ceiling of 100 million instead of 400 as in ; above.
In this way nearly fifteen million tax-paying citizens who have chosen to support the voluntary and third sector with a 5 per thousand, are betrayed in their free choice. E 'grave that volunteering is affected by this cut so drastically, but in a move strongly marked by the economic crisis.
In a country where more citizens in need, the commitment of the Voluntary and Third Sector is always more essential to overcome the social emergency and to reinforce social cohesion.
This occurs in an already burdened by budget cuts of social policy: from 1.472 billion euro in 2010 to 349.4 in 2011, amounting to -76% are funds for social services of municipalities, often made volunteering and the non-profit, funds for the family, for the non-self-sufficiency for children, adolescents and young people, moderation by the hiring for the civil service.
This CSVnet, Third Sector Forum, the Consultation of the Volunteer is convoluted decided to promote a worldwide appeal of the Voluntary and non-profit institutions to send in asking you to replenish the resources for social services and 5 per thousand.
" We call on the Government and Parliament - as stated in the appeal - to honor their commitments, to listen to the non-profit and not to hit social services, not to remove those resources under principle of subsidiarity citizens to volunteer and give to the Third Sector. "
The 5 per thousand becomes the first, 25 per thousand, mainly affects small businesses, so in the territories, and so essential today in the midst of the crisis .
" We ask the Parliament to perform any act of great responsibility, restoring the 5 per thousand and the funds for social services. "

Thursday, November 11, 2010

How To Make Metal Rabbit Feeders

Most Trophies Won By A Footballer

Friday, October 29, 2010

Can A Baking Tray Be Used Instead Of Baking Dish

October raining books

Continue the work of the Cultural Association "Viva Mind," which, in collaboration with the Library of Tuglie, organized a series of events that saw the presentation of a historical essay on the figure of a Venetian musician of the eighteenth century, Maddalena Laura Lombardini and the establishment of a Recital of poems entitled "dissonant harmonies."
Here is the schedule of events: Saturday, November 6
- Tuglie - City Library, 19.30
Presentation of the volume of Maria Rosaria Teni: "A woman and her music: Maddalena Laura Lombardini Sirmen and music eighteenth century. " Guided listening to excerpts from the compositions of the Venetian musician.
Saturday, December 11 - ARADEO - City Library, 19.30
Recital by Maria Rosaria Teni "dissonant Harmonies: poetry, sugegstioni sound, dances and images.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Small Bumps Forehead Herpes


Andrea Bramucci was paparazzi !!!!!!! ahahhahaahhahahahahahahahahhahah

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Legs Sore From Snowboarding

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Orange Dongle Wont Connect Error 619

BIRTHDAY !!!!!!! POLE +19 EL