Friday, December 10, 2010

Pokemon Database Timber


"Italy is now perceived as a corrupt country and this reduces the interest and convenience for foreigners to invest in our country, "it said in no uncertain terms the former prosecutor in the pool of Clean Hands, Pier Camillo Davigo in the message of adherence to free association and petition of the Public Notice.
There is sure to surprise: our country, according to the latest report by Transparency International, has fallen to 67emo place for transparency in public decision-marking the worst since 1995. The words of Davigo have the merit to sketch the outlines of a punctual unresolved wounds of our country, a wound that never healed always crosses the length and breadth of our communities, polluting and undermining democratic institutions, from the ground, in an almost irreversible credibility before the eyes of citizens. It is a further example of what is happening in L'Aquila after the earthquake as illustrated by the Freedom of Association in a dossier presented a few days ago in which he denounced all the inconsistencies of a reconstruction never really match.
This problem is then added to old ones such as negligence that led to the collapse of Student house all aspects which represent only the latest resurgence of a macroscopic ground much deeper that is gradually eroding the civic sense of the nation. Every year in our country, just to mention some data of the Court of Auditors, corruption costs the public between 50 and 60 billion euro. It 's a hidden tax which falls on the shoulders of law-abiding citizens, making public resources, more often than not ill-used in illegal profits. Each of us is as if he were forced to pay € 1000 annually in the safes of the mafia. Very little is needed to understand how many cuts, such as those that are wiped out some of the key sectors of our economy such as culture and knowledge, could be avoided or at least scaled using just those wastes.
season moralizing of "Clean Hands" seems a distant memory now, unfortunately, just think that in those years in the District Court of Appeal of Milan, there were about 2,000 complaints of corruption and bribery, while 2008-2009 are in the judiciary were just 120, only 6%. It 's time that the policy responds, returning to itself a burst of dignity. The legal references would also be there, but they are not criminally charged. Just think of what is envisaged in the Strasbourg Convention of 1999 which provides for the introduction of the Criminal Code of major crimes, including bribery of private and auto recycling, but also the introduction of a new case of crime: the illicit traffic of influences, which is a broader definition of the idea of \u200b\u200bcorruption, no longer restricted to the monetary field, but also other channels including "innovative "corruption, such as gifts, to offer various favors for sex. It would be desirable, according to some sources, the introduction of the figure of the collaborator of justice for the crimes of corruption, as is already the case for those of the Mafia. Just as important would be to attack the assets accumulated illegally by corrupt, confiscate property and giving effect to the provisions already approved in the Budget 2007 which provide for the use for social purposes.
Italy can no longer evade their responsibilities, declassified the evil of corruption to an atavistic habit. Can not do it trivially, being part of the European Single Market is subject to the Community principle of free and fair competition and we must adopt a National Plan against Corruption, to be submitted to the Council of Europe by January 31, 2011.
E 'in the name of all that Free Public Notice and decided to launch a major awareness campaign, similar to what happened in 1996 with the collection of one million signatures to improve the law and ask Rognoni-La Torre use social goods confiscated.
From Wednesday 8th to Sunday, December 12 and you can sign the petition to be sent to President Napolitano to urge the Parliament and the Government to ratify international agreements, just those. The stalls will be set up Freedom in 300 Italian squares and then again for a month in 400 shops and Altromercato World Shops. After December 12 we will also continue to sign on the websites of associations, newspapers and political parties participating, among them that can not be there at Left Ecology Freedom. Mattia


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