thinking about the unit Fabio Mussi
I am pleased that the Democratic Party after thinking for a Constituent Assembly with Berlusconi, now I rediscover the danger 'to propose a new Cln. But the leaders of the Democratic Party that we were taught that you do not win with the demonization, I say that not just be against.
So begins 'interview the president of the National Directorate of Left Ecology Liberta' , Fabio Mussi, which appears today in the newspaper L'Unità .
should be ready for elections, and serves a proposal for reform - continues Mussi -. Now admitted that Fini and Casini accept an invitation to the Democratic Party, which reform program you can 'build with them? In the Third Pole
there are fans Gelmini, Marchionne, clericalism . And Fini is a man of the right-
the only chance to reopen the game and 'the center. Not the dissolution of the center. Al Pd
say - insists the exponent of Sel - you can not turn to Fini and Casini and then say that Vendola divides the center. The idea that the left can 'govern only dresses up and' wrong. Vendola has a vocabulary able to recover the votes of so many abstentions, and even fish nell'elettorato's center. Finally
- concludes Mussi - the primaries do not come on to some self-command of a prince. The Democratic Party has 24% of us are small Sel. What do they fear? Maybe they little confidence in their strength ....
And if you think they choose, at any cost and despite all, casino ... then you crown the Christmas night, as did Charlemagne. And if so 'think they win, congratulations!
was announced by the office of the national press Sel
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