"Outside we are beating, because according to them these rights would be, close the mouth of those who may, and thank God, thinks otherwise -are the words of Daniel Santanché in a classroom of the Pole of the social sciences, where program was a panel discussion on immigration - We are and we do not stop we made on what is happening outside, we will not stop and no one will move back, I am speaking as the Italian government. "
But students were not beating (among them as it seems) to plug the mouth of others, but to protest against this government and especially against the Gelmini decree law that destroys university.
At least six students were injured by the fighting against the police, as we all saw the pictures was in keeping antisomossa. Genoa had already taught us that to draw a red line not needed, prohibit students from entering state was as yet another provocation.
We are in solidarity with students from the center of Novoli, who had only the words as a weapon, so no one can justify the violence of the police.
Once again the elegant jeweled Santanché have shown the finger to the students?
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