Thursday, December 16, 2010

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New railway timetable in Montelupo Fiorentino

The mayor of San Casciano, Massimiliano Pescini, talks about the decision of the State: "It 's a choice that will penalize our territory, will be hundreds of commuters Chianti forced to return to cars. "
The group left the club and council SinistraperSanCasciano Ecology of Freedom San Casciano share the position taken by the Mayor
Twelve stops in less , suppressed in favor of the expansion of high speed. Twelve trains will not allow more commuters, students and employees of the Val d'Elsa and the Chianti, to reach Florence and Pisa railway station Montelupo Fiorentino. The decision of the Region Tuscany and the State Railways to replace some of the races that stop in Montelupo Fiorentino in the direction of the major centers of Tuscany with six-speed trains in the Florence-Pisa do not like the mayor Massimiliano Pescini, as the Mayor of Monterlupo. "It 's a choice that will impact negatively on our area - says the mayor San Casciano - San Casciano depart daily from hundreds of commuters to travel to jobs and universities, make use of rail transport and thus the nearest station in San Casciano, that of Montelupo Fiorentino, I have learned with real regret and grave concern the weakening of this area, it is a choice in perspective penalize citizens Chianti which, having no better options, you will be forced to resort to the car with negative consequences for both economic and environmental. I fully agree with my colleague Ross Mori: This is a decision that is likely to aggravate the problems already present in our territory. "
Moving from Chianti to the city or major urban centers has never been easy. That the limited availability of public transportation in the territory is a critical sensitivity for our citizens and the municipalities. A problem that also affected the cuts the government and the mayor Pescini Massimiliano, together with colleagues of the Chianti region, is working to try to minimize the reduction of resources and make proposals that do not penalize the citizens. "San Casciano - continues Pescini mayor - has a special feature: the northern area is very close to that of Montelupo, most of the citizens who live in that area are addressed in the future and could also use these services in the municipality Valdelsa. In light of this we requested activating a link to the station at Montelupo, in addition to the direct line of connection to the Tramway Scandicci. Unfortunately, our requests are rejected because of cuts by the central government. And so it is important to weigh carefully the Region the usefulness of the train station at Montelupo, an area to serve the entire region. "
"The abolition of the stops in Montelupo - said the mayor - is to lose weight and especially to my stress considerably reduces the number of alternative opportunities to travel in a car, already rather low in the Chianti region, aimed at workers and students. What will be the result of this choice? Discomfort in the round: increase the critical issues related to access to the city, with journey times unacceptable especially at peak times, it will raise costs for our citizens and will always be more negative the environmental effects. "
Source: San Casciano Val di Pesa - Press Office


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