Thursday, August 12, 2010

Congratulation Message For Baby Arrival

second great season !!!!! In Final

In today's final Lokomotiv lost and unconvincing is true, but you can not throw this season under a 2 second places and then pulling 1terzo place sums an exciting year and not even need to be deleted to leave this place !!!!!!
Frankly speaking at this late hour of the game today brings only the team nervous and fired without reason and seemed to be the team that failed Miswter Iacucci to make the company !!!!!!!
Jumping report cards because there are so many shortcomings to thank all the team for this fantastic month this wonderful group of friends created casmpi on football, thanks from my brother to those who came to see a game with one really to all !!!!!!!
Adewsso you start with their teams or appointment with Lokomotiv in September 2010 or May 2011 THANK YOU ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!


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